Learning Agreement Compilato

Learning Agreement Compilato: A Comprehensive Guide for Students

As a student, you might have come across the term “learning agreement compilato” in the context of studying abroad or participating in an Erasmus+ exchange program. But what exactly is a learning agreement compilato, and why is it essential for students?

In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about learning agreement compilato, including what it is, how to fill it out, and its importance for students.

What is a learning agreement compilato?

A learning agreement compilato is a document that outlines the courses that a student will take while studying abroad or participating in an exchange program. It serves as an agreement between the student, the host institution, and the sending institution, ensuring that the student`s academic needs and expectations are met during their time abroad.

The learning agreement compilato includes information such as the student`s personal details, the host institution`s contact information, and the academic courses that the student will take. It is an essential document for students as it ensures that they receive academic credit for the courses they take abroad.

How to fill out a learning agreement compilato?

Filling out a learning agreement compilato can be a daunting process for students, especially if it`s their first time participating in an exchange program. Here are the steps that students need to follow to fill out a learning agreement compilato:

Step 1: Contact your sending institution`s international office.

Your sending institution`s international office will provide you with a learning agreement compilato form and guide you through the process of filling it out. They will also be your primary point of contact for any questions or concerns you might have during the process.

Step 2: Choose the courses you want to take.

Once you have the learning agreement compilato form, you need to decide which courses you want to take at the host institution. You should choose courses that align with your academic goals and interests while ensuring that they meet the requirements of your sending institution.

Step 3: Obtain approval for your courses.

The next step is to obtain approval for your courses from your sending institution`s academic advisor. They will review your course choices and ensure that they meet the requirements for academic credit at your sending institution.

Step 4: Submit the completed learning agreement compilato form.

Once you have obtained approval for your courses, you need to submit the completed learning agreement compilato form to your sending institution`s international office. They will forward it to the host institution for their review and approval.

Step 5: Make any necessary revisions and obtain final approval.

The host institution may request revisions to your learning agreement compilato form before approving it. Once all parties agree on the courses, you need to obtain final approval from both your sending and host institutions.

Why is a learning agreement compilato important for students?

A learning agreement compilato is an essential document for students participating in exchange programs as it ensures that they receive academic credit for the courses they take abroad. It also provides a framework for students to choose courses that align with their academic goals and interests while meeting the requirements of their sending institution.

Additionally, a learning agreement compilato serves as a contract between the student, the host institution, and the sending institution, outlining the responsibilities and obligations of each party. This helps to ensure that the student has a positive and productive experience during their time abroad.


In conclusion, a learning agreement compilato is a necessary document for students participating in exchange programs. It outlines the courses that students will take at the host institution and ensures that they receive academic credit for those courses. By following the steps outlined in this article, students can successfully fill out a learning agreement compilato and have a positive and productive experience during their time abroad.